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Industry 1st & Quality Product: ISO and BSEN standards

Industry 1st & Quality Product: ISO and BSEN standards

At HC Innovations, it is our mission to innovate through improving, designing and manufacturing hygiene products and systems. We want to make it possible for companies to increase their operational efficiencies and control their expenditure.

We have brought a number of Industry 1st products to the market over the years with Vinco®-SegreWipe, Vinco®-ZeroWipe Wipe-in-a-Box, Pulahold® and EQP® to name a few. All our wiping products our tested to the highest standard an our laboratory is where products undergo stringent testing to ensure BS EN standards are met before independent third-party testing is carried out. Likewise, products are put through our Manufacturing Quality Program (MQP) daily to ensure the consistency of finished goods to our customers.

The efficiency of our supply chain partners, operations and manufacturing process ensures all orders are dispatched quickly and to the highest quality. As we're ISO 9001 and 14001 certified, you can rest assured that our products meet the highest standards.

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