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How Do I Properly Clean Microfibre Cloths: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Properly Clean Microfibre Cloths

Microfibre cloths have become a staple in many households due to their effectiveness in cleaning and their eco-friendly nature. However, to maintain their performance and prolong their lifespan, it is essential to know how to properly clean microfibre cloths. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various methods and tips for washing microfibre cloths, taking into account expert recommendations from multiple sources.

Understanding Microfibre Cloths

Sorting and Preparing Microfibre Cloths for Washing

Removing Stains and Pre-Treating Microfibre Cloths

Machine Washing Microfibre Cloths

Choosing the Right Water Temperature and Detergent

Adding Vinegar for Odor Elimination

Soaking and Agitating Microfibre Cloths

Hand Washing Microfibre Cloths

Rinsing and Drying Microfibre Cloths

Proper Care and Maintenance of Microfibre Cloths


Understanding Microfibre Cloths

Before we dive into the cleaning process, let's first understand what makes microfibre cloths so special. Microfibre is a synthetic material made of incredibly fine fibres, typically smaller than a strand of human hair. These tiny fibres create a large surface area, enabling microfibre cloths to attract and trap dust, dirt, and other particles effectively. Unlike traditional cleaning materials, microfibre cloths do not spread the captured debris/dirt around, making them more hygienic.

Sorting and Preparing Microfibre Cloths for Washing

To ensure the best cleaning results, it is important to separate microfibre cloths from other laundry items. This prevents the transfer of dirt and lint to the cloths or other garments. As you sort your laundry, shake out the microfibre cloths over a bin to remove any loose debris.

Removing Stains and Pre-Treating Microfibre Cloths

If your microfibre cloths have stubborn stains, it is advisable to pre-treat them before washing. Different methods can be used to tackle stains, depending on the type of stain and the care instructions on the cloth. One option is to apply a stain remover directly to the stained area and gently rub it in.

Alternatively, you can create a mixture of laundry detergent and water and soak the cloths before washing.

Machine Washing Microfibre Cloths

Machine washing microfibre cloths is a convenient option, especially when dealing with heavily soiled or numerous cloths. However, it is crucial to follow specific guidelines to avoid damaging the delicate fibres.

Start by washing microfibre cloths separately from other laundry items, as mixing them can cause lint transfer and reduce their effectiveness.

Wash microfibre cloths separately from other laundry items

Choosing the Right Water Temperature and Detergent

When machine washing microfibre cloths, select a cool or warm water setting instead of hot water. Although hot water can be effective in killing germs and microorganisms, it can potentially damage low-quality microfibre fibres.

Check the care label on your cloths for any specific temperature recommendations. Additionally, opt for a gentle detergent free of additives, fragrances, and fabric softeners.

Adding Vinegar for Odour Elimination

Microfibre cloths may develop an unpleasant odour over time, especially if used for cleaning tasks like removing pet stains. To combat this issue, you can add a tablespoon of white vinegar to the machine load.

The vinegar helps neutralise odours without leaving any residue on the cloths.

Soaking and Agitating Microfibre Cloths

To ensure a thorough cleaning, allow the machine to complete half of the agitation cycle before pausing it. Let the cloths soak in the soapy water for around 15 to 20 minutes. This soaking period helps to loosen dirt and grime from the fibres.

After soaking, resume the wash cycle and allow it to complete.

Soaking and Agitating Microfibre Cloths

Hand Washing Microfibre Cloths

Hand washing microfibre cloths is a suitable option for lightly dusty or dirty cloths. This method allows for better control and care when dealing with specific stains or delicate cloths.

Start by shaking out the fabric outdoors or into a bin to remove excess dirt. Then, prepare a basin of cool or warm water and add the cloths..

Rinsing and Drying Microfibre Cloths

Regardless of whether you choose to machine wash or hand wash your microfibre cloths, thorough rinsing is essential to remove any remaining detergent or cleaning solution. Rinse the cloths under running water, ensuring all soap lather is washed away.

After rinsing, gently wring out the excess water from the cloths.

Proper Care and Maintenance of Microfibre Cloths

To prolong the lifespan and maintain the effectiveness of your microfibre cloths, it is essential to follow proper care and maintenance practices. Here are some additional tips: Avoid using fabric softener on microfibre cloths, as it can clog the fibres and reduce their cleaning efficiency. If desired, you can add 60ml of white vinegar during the washing process to help naturally soften the cloths and eliminate odours.

After washing, dry the microfibre cloths on a low to medium heat setting in the dryer. The heat will help kill any remaining germs or bacteria. Store your clean microfibre cloths in a clean and dry area to prevent any potential contamination.

To get superior cleaning results from using microfibre cloths then de-ionised water should be used. This can be purchased in 5ltr bottles and decanted into a trigger spray bottle and head. The de-ionised water can then be sprayed onto surfaces or directly onto the microfibre cloth to get excellent results on any hard surface. This combination in particular cleans glass and stainless steel very well, leaving no smears or streaks on the surface.


In conclusion, knowing how to properly clean microfibre cloths is essential for maintaining their exceptional cleaning performance. By following the recommended methods and tips discussed in this guide, you can ensure that your microfibre cloths remain effective and long-lasting, providing you with a reliable cleaning tool for various surfaces and tasks.

Remember to always check the care instructions specific to your microfibre cloths and adjust the cleaning methods accordingly. With proper care and maintenance, your microfibre cloths will continue to serve you well in keeping your environment clean and fresh.

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